Hoog-Catharijne Shopping Complex


Client: Blitta B.V. and Bam

Year: 2014-2017

Project: The Hoog-Catharijne Shopping Complex

Work Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Description: This project consisted of three different aspects of facades all coming together seamlessly, the North and South gable ends of the envelope are a Schüco stick curtain wall system curved and twisted and with a rake all at the same time. This system was the first time it had ever been used in Europe. The glass and glass panels had had to be torqued to the correct tolerance, in order to bend  the glass into the system. The East and West facades are a unitised element system lifted and placed into position, onto pre-set brackets with an overhead crane. The third aspect is the link bridges an seen in the pictures, it is a structural steel glazing system which needs perfect weight distribution in order to bring the steel structure down in order for the glass to fit in the correct order without breaking. Upon completion this project won the award of glass of the year and was worth 15 million euros +